
Welcome to the Choate Robotics Programming Documentation#

Choate Robotics Team 7407 Wired Boars is a FIRST Robotics Competition team based in Wallingford, CT. We are a student-run team that designs, builds, and programs a robot to compete in the FIRST Robotics Competition. We joined in 2019. This documentation is our current Standard Operating Procedure for programming the robot. It is a work in progress, and we are always looking for ways to improve it. If you have any suggestions, please submit a pull request.

What to expect in this documentation:#

  • How to install the necessary software
    • (Python, Git, Poetry, IDEs, etc.)

  • How to use the necessary software

  • An overview of the necessary hardware
    • (RoboRIO, CAN, Networktables, etc.)

  • How to use the necessary tools

  • How to use the WPIlib package effectively

  • How to deploy code to the robot

What you need to know before you start:#

  • Know what the Command Line is

  • Basic understanding of Python

  • Basic understanding of Object-Oriented Programming

Ready to get started?#

First, you need to install the necessary software. You can find instructions for that here: Installing Software

How to use this documentation:#

  • Read it on the Github page

  • Download it as a PDF

  • Download it as an EPUB

How to contribute to this documentation:#

  • Fork the repository

  • Make your changes

    • If you are adding a new diagram, please use graphviz, since it is automatically rendered by Sphinx and easy to edit – see the other diagrams for examples.

  • Submit a pull request