Making a Project#

If you are looking to make a new project, follow these steps to get started:

  1. Visit our [Github Organization]( and click the green “New” button in the top right corner.

  2. Under the tab ‘Repository Template’, select ‘Choate-Robotics/DriveCode-Template’. This will use the template repository as a base for your new project, and contains all the necessary files and test automation to get started.

  3. Make sure to include all branches from the template repository. This will ensure that you have all the necessary repository rules.

  4. Name your repository. This should be the name of your project, and should be descriptive. For example, if you are making a robot that shoots balls, you might name it “Ball-Shooter”.


    If you are making a robot for a competition, you should name it after the competition.

    EX: “7407-DriveCode-RapidReact”

  5. Make sure the repository is public, and click “Create Repository”.

You’re all set, and in a few moments you should be able to see your new repository!

To see how to get the repository onto your computer, see grabbing an existing project