robotpy_toolkit_7407.subsystem_templates.drivetrain package


robotpy_toolkit_7407.subsystem_templates.drivetrain.differential_drivetrain module

class robotpy_toolkit_7407.subsystem_templates.drivetrain.differential_drivetrain.DifferentialDrivetrain

Bases: Subsystem

Extendable differential drivetrain class.


m_left: leading left motor m_right: leading right motor axis_x: x-axis of the joystick axis_y: y-axis of the joystick gear_ratio: gear ratio of the drivetrain

axis_x: JoystickAxis = None
axis_y: JoystickAxis = None
gear_ratio: float

Initialize the drivetrain.

m_left: PIDMotor = None
m_right: PIDMotor = None
set_motor_percent_output(left: float, right: float)

Set the percent output of the motors between -1 and 1


left (float): percent output of the left motor right (float): percent output of the right motor

set_motor_velocity(left_vel: float, right_vel: float)

Set the velocity of the motors in meters per second


left_vel (meters_per_second): velocity of the left motor right_vel (meters_per_second): velocity of the right motor

robotpy_toolkit_7407.subsystem_templates.drivetrain.differential_drivetrain_commands module

class robotpy_toolkit_7407.subsystem_templates.drivetrain.differential_drivetrain_commands.DriveArcade(subsystem: T, track_width_inches: float)

Bases: SubsystemCommand[DifferentialDrivetrain]

Arcade drive command for differential drivetrain.

end(self: commands2._impl.Command, interrupted: bool) None

The action to take when the command ends. Called when either the command finishes normally, or when it interrupted/canceled.


interrupted – whether the command was interrupted/canceled

execute(self: commands2._impl.Command) None

The main body of a command. Called repeatedly while the command is scheduled.

initialize(self: commands2._impl.Command) None

The initial subroutine of a command. Called once when the command is initially scheduled.

isFinished(self: commands2._impl.Command) bool

Whether the command has finished. Once a command finishes, the scheduler will call its end() method and un-schedule it.


whether the command has finished.

runsWhenDisabled(self: commands2._impl.Command) bool

Whether the given command should run when the robot is disabled. Override to return true if the command should run when disabled.


whether the command should run when the robot is disabled

robotpy_toolkit_7407.subsystem_templates.drivetrain.swerve_drivetrain module

class robotpy_toolkit_7407.subsystem_templates.drivetrain.swerve_drivetrain.SwerveDrivetrain

Bases: Subsystem

Swerve Drivetrain Extendable class. Contains driving functions.

axis_dx: JoystickAxis
axis_dy: JoystickAxis
axis_rotation: JoystickAxis
deadzone_angular_velocity: float = 0.08726646259971647
deadzone_velocity: float = 0.05
get_heading() Rotation2d

Get the robot heading.


Heading (Rotation2d): the robot heading

gyro: SwerveGyro

Initialize the swerve drivetrain, kinematics, odometry, and gyro.

max_angular_vel: float = 25.132741228718345
max_vel: float = 8.940777777777777
n_00: SwerveNode
n_01: SwerveNode
n_10: SwerveNode
n_11: SwerveNode
set_driver_centric(vel: (<class 'float'>, <class 'float'>), angular_vel: float)

Set the driver centric velocity and angular velocity. Driver centric runs with perspective of driver.


vel: velocity in x and y direction as (meters per second, meters per second) angular_vel: angular velocity in radians per second

set_robot_centric(vel: (<class 'float'>, <class 'float'>), angular_vel: float)

Set the robot centric velocity and angular velocity. Robot centric runs with perspective of robot. Args:

vel: velocity in x and y direction as (meters per second, meters per second) angular_vel: angular velocity in radians per second

start_pose: Pose2d = Pose2d(Translation2d(x=0.000000, y=0.000000), Rotation2d(0.000000))

Stop the drivetrain and all pods.

track_width: float = 1
class robotpy_toolkit_7407.subsystem_templates.drivetrain.swerve_drivetrain.SwerveGyro

Bases: object

Extendable class for swerve gyro.

get_robot_heading() float

Get the robot heading in radians. Overridden class. Must return radians.


Initialize the swerve gyro. Overridden class.


Reset the robot heading. Overridden class.

class robotpy_toolkit_7407.subsystem_templates.drivetrain.swerve_drivetrain.SwerveNode

Bases: object

Extendable class for swerve node.

get_current_motor_angle() float

Get the current angle of the swerve node. Must be overridden. Must return radians.

get_drive_motor_traveled_distance() float

Get the distance traveled by the drive motor. Must be overridden. Must return meters.

get_motor_velocity() float

Get the velocity of the swerve node. Must be overridden. Must return meters per second.

get_node_position() SwerveModulePosition

Get the position of the swerve node.


SwerveModulePosition: position of the swerve node

get_node_state() SwerveModuleState

Get the state of the swerve node. Returns:

SwerveModuleState: state of the swerve node

get_turn_motor_angle() float

Get the distance traveled by the turning motor. Must be overridden. Must return radians. (0, 2π)


Initialize the swerve node.

motor_reversed: bool = False
motor_sensor_offset: float = 0
set(vel: float, angle_radians: float)

Set the velocity and angle of the swerve node.


vel (meters_per_second): velocity of the swerve node angle_radians (radians_per_second): turning swerve node velocity in radians per second

set_motor_angle(pos: float)

Set the angle of the swerve node. Must be overridden.


pos (radians): angle of the swerve node in radians

set_motor_velocity(vel: float)

Set the velocity of the swerve node. Must be overridden. Args:

vel (meters_per_second): velocity of the swerve node in meters per second

robotpy_toolkit_7407.subsystem_templates.drivetrain.swerve_drivetrain_commands module

class robotpy_toolkit_7407.subsystem_templates.drivetrain.swerve_drivetrain_commands.DriveSwerve(subsystem: T)

Bases: SubsystemCommand[SwerveDrivetrain]

Drive the robot using a swerve drive controller.

end(self: commands2._impl.Command, interrupted: bool) None

The action to take when the command ends. Called when either the command finishes normally, or when it interrupted/canceled.


interrupted – whether the command was interrupted/canceled

execute() None

Execute the command. Can be overridden for a custom swerve drive.

initialize(self: commands2._impl.Command) None

The initial subroutine of a command. Called once when the command is initially scheduled.

isFinished(self: commands2._impl.Command) bool

Whether the command has finished. Once a command finishes, the scheduler will call its end() method and un-schedule it.


whether the command has finished.

runsWhenDisabled(self: commands2._impl.Command) bool

Whether the given command should run when the robot is disabled. Override to return true if the command should run when disabled.


whether the command should run when the robot is disabled

class robotpy_toolkit_7407.subsystem_templates.drivetrain.swerve_drivetrain_commands.FollowPath(subsystem: SwerveDrivetrain, trajectory: Trajectory, period: float = 0.02)

Bases: SubsystemCommand[SwerveDrivetrain]

Follow a given wpimath trajectory using a swerve drive controller.

end(self: commands2._impl.Command, interrupted: bool) None

The action to take when the command ends. Called when either the command finishes normally, or when it interrupted/canceled.


interrupted – whether the command was interrupted/canceled

execute(self: commands2._impl.Command) None

The main body of a command. Called repeatedly while the command is scheduled.

initialize(self: commands2._impl.Command) None

The initial subroutine of a command. Called once when the command is initially scheduled.

isFinished(self: commands2._impl.Command) bool

Whether the command has finished. Once a command finishes, the scheduler will call its end() method and un-schedule it.


whether the command has finished.

runsWhenDisabled(self: commands2._impl.Command) bool

Whether the given command should run when the robot is disabled. Override to return true if the command should run when disabled.


whether the command should run when the robot is disabled

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