robotpy_toolkit_7407.sensors.limelight package


robotpy_toolkit_7407.sensors.limelight.limelight module

class robotpy_toolkit_7407.sensors.limelight.limelight.Limelight(cam_height: float, cam_angle: float, target_height: float | None = None, robot_ip: str = '')

Bases: object

Wrapper for the Limelight sensor. Connect, get, and modify limelight values and settings through the NetworkTables interface.

calculate_distance() float

Calculate distance of limelight from target. This function is not useful when the limelight and target are of similar height.


float: Distance from target in meters

get_bot_pose(round_to: int | None = None) list | None

Get the robot’s pose from the limelight’s perspective.

get_x_offset() float

Offset on the x plane from the target in radians


radians: Radian offset of the target from the center of the camera


Turn limelight LEDs off. Recommended to use ref_off instead.


Turn limelight LEDs on. Recommended to use ref_on instead.


Turn off the limelight LEDs and decrement the reference counter.


Turn on the limelight LEDs and increment the reference counter.


Update Limelight Values to NetworkTables. Run this every loop to ensure fresh values.

class robotpy_toolkit_7407.sensors.limelight.limelight.LimelightController(limelight_list: list[robotpy_toolkit_7407.sensors.limelight.limelight.Limelight])

Bases: VisionEstimator

get_estimated_robot_pose() list[wpimath.geometry._geometry.Pose3d, float] | None

Returns the robot’s pose relative to the field, estimated by the limelight. :return: Limelight estimate of robot pose. :rtype: Pose3d | None

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